Contact Eileen

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. You can use the form below or email me directly. I appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you.





PO BOX 988
Jensen Beach FL 34958

Frequently Asked Questions

Responses to common questions from voters

Do you support the efforts to clean up the St Lucie and Indian Rivers?

Far too long have we allowed toxic dischargers to be released into our waterways. We must stop the overdevelopment perpetuating the problems and keep pressure on the Army Corps of Engineers to implement every means to create a solution to this decades-old problem.

Should the airport be allow to expand?

Air traffic in Stuart has exceeded the projections we were told would exist. Enduring excessive noise and pollution is unfair to those who reside and work in the flight path. Those entities that operate and benefit from the airport need to do more to protect the communities' sanctity and work toward reducing noise and exuberant traffic.

Will you protect our 4-story height limit?

The height restriction embedded in our Comprehensive Plan is our most crucial building code. It is part of our identity and necessary to preserve our quality of life. I will fight tirelessly to protect it.

How far should the Urban Services Boundary extend?

The urban corridor is where services like water and sewer exist. You will also find streetlights, sidewalks, and fire hydrants within that boundary. That is not to say that homes cannot be built outside the corridor. The purpose of density restrictions in the rural parts of the County is to preserve open space and properly manage services that would otherwise unfairly burden other taxpayers. Higher density requires a greater degree of attention, which is costly. The USB was well thought out and established long ago. It needs to be preserved.

Do you believe in raising taxes to increase the county's budget?
Can I vote for you if I live in Palm City?

Doug Smith voted to increase taxes on our already-burdened citizens to kowtow to those who have helped him and to avoid making difficult cuts elsewhere in the budget. That is an example of a lack of foresight and reacting to a problem instead of planning. Commissioners should also have the resolve to make tough decisions and say no when necessary.

Three districts are represented during this election cycle. Every citizen votes for all county candidates, regardless of their district. So yes, please vote for me.


Eileen Vargas for County Commissioner

Paid for and approved by Eileen Vargas for County Commission District 1